An Efficient and Trustworthy Resource Sharing Platform for Collaborative Cloud Computing

anoop kumar reddy i, sampath kumar t.v


Software as a Service (SaaS) is an important flavor of cloud computing to provide comprehensive Business emulsion. modernization in cloud computing are foremost to a promising future for cloud association, where wide-reaching spotted distributed cloud resources belonging to diverse organizations or individuals are collectively used in a compliant manner to provide services. —The collaborative cloud computing(CCC) which is collaboratively supported by various organization (Google, IBM, AMAZON, MICROSOFT) offers a promising future for information rescue. Human beings look after to keep things simple by moving the complex feature to computing. As a consequence, we prefer to go to one or a limited number of sources for all our information needs. In contemporary scenario where information is replicated, modified (value added), and scattered geographically; retrieving information in a suitable form requires lot more effort from the user and thus difficult. For instance, we would like to go directly to the source of information and at the same time not to be burdened with additional effort. We propose a novel idea to utilize SaaS in the academic sector as an application, cloud campus and also to incorporate collaborative cloud computing (CCC) platform in four tasks: User and Service identity management, overall QoS based resource selection, resource overloadcontrol, feedback system.


Cloud computing, Education Software as a Service (ESaaS), Cloud campus, Cloud collaboration.


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