Modeling and Simulation of a Hybrid Fuzzy And Hysteresis Current Controller for Single Phase Grid Attached PWM Inverter for Melioration of Power Quality

B sriveni


Advancements in power electronics has allowed a wide investigation towards DG systems the main abstruse is the harmonization of the DG to the utility grid. Generally current regulated PWM voltage-source inverters (VSI) are used for synchronizing the utility grid with DG source in order to meet the following objectives: 1) To ensure grid stability 2) active and reactive power control through voltage and frequency control 3) power quality improvement (i.e. harmonic elimination) etc. In this paper, power quality is being improved by diminishing current error at high band width so a hysteresis controller with fuzzy logic is being proposed. The present model is being compared with the conventional hysteresis model and is being simulated in the MATLAB


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