Simulation of an Efficient Hybrid Transformer DC-DC Converter for PV Based Renewable Energy Sources -Power Conditioning Systems (PCS) Applications with High Boost Ratio

Raje nder, Murali Krishna L


With the increase in renewable energy resources there is need for better conversion devices. as most of the renewable energy resources are low voltage devices like PV cells and fuel cells the voltage needs to be stepped up before  conversion. So there is a need for high efficient dc-dc converter. In this paper a non-isolated, high boost ratio hybrid transformer dc-dc converter with applications for low voltage renewable energy sources is being proposed. The proposed converter utilizes a hybrid transformer to transfer the inductive and capacitive energy simultaneously, achieving a high boost ratio with a smaller size magnetic component. As a result of incorporating the resonant operation mode into the traditional high boost ratio PWM converter, the turn off loss of the switch is reduced, increasing the efficiency of the converter under all load conditions. The input current ripple is also reduced because of the linear-sinusoidal hybrid waveforms. The voltage stresses on the active switch and diodes are maintained at a low level and MPPT algorithm is being added to the proposed model utilizing the maximum power generated from the low voltage PV system.


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