A Scalable Framework To Allow Users For Keyword Search With Access Control Over Encrypted Data
In certain conditions, the keywords that the client searches on are just semantically identified with the data instead of through a definite or fluffy match. Subsequently, semantic-based keywordsearch over encoded cloud data is the fate of central significance. Be that as it may, existing plans as a rule rely on a worldwide word reference, which influences the precision of indexed lists as well as purposes wastefulness in data refreshing. Also, albeit compound keywordsearch is basic by and by, the current methodologies just procedure them as single words, which split the first semantics and accomplish low exactness. To address these impediments, we at first propose a Compound Concept Semantic Similarity (CCSS) estimation strategy to gauge the semantic closeness between compound ideas. Next, by incorporating CCSS with Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) capacity and the safe k-Nearest Neighbor conspire, a Semantic-based Compound Keyword Search (SCKS) plot is proposed. SCKS accomplishes semantic-based search as well as multi-keywordsearch and positioned keywordsearch. Furthermore, SCKS likewise disposes off the predefined worldwide library and can effectively bolster data update.
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