Direct Torque Control Scheme For A Four Switch Inverter Fed Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Controller

Kancharla Gunamanikanta, V Srinivasa Rao


Abstract— This work implements a new  approach of fuzzy logic based space vector regulation with respect to the immediate torque controlled acceptance engine bolstered by four switch three stage inverter (FSTPI) to conquer the downside of high torque swell. This methodology offers superior as far as torque swell lessening partnered to control of inverter exchanging misfortune. The three level hysteresis controller in the torque circle is supplanted by a two level hysteresis controller, with the goal that no zero voltage vector is associated with the proposed DTC plot. This technique depends on the imitating of the operation of the traditional six switch three stage inverter (SSTPI). The FSTPI produces four lopsided voltages intrinsically. With the best possible blend of four lopsided voltages prompting the union of six adjusted voltage vectors of the SSTPI. In the execution of this approach the outline of vector choice table partitions the Clarke plane into six zones. In the actualized DTC conspire enlistment engine is reenacted in stationary reference edge and its outcomes are drawn. Recreation aftereffects of the proposed DTC methodology, FSTPI sustained acceptance engine drives shows fascinating execution.


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