An Advanced Control Strategy for an IPM Synchronous Generator Based Wind Turbine

Sunkara Naga Satya Hari Prasad, J Ramesh


This work proposes an direct control procedure for an inside permanent magnet synchronous generator-based variable speed wind turbine. In this plan, the necessity of the constant rotor position is dispensed with as every one of the counts are done in the stator reference outline. This plan has favorable circumstances, for example, lesser parameter reliance and lessened number of controllers contrasted and the customary backhanded vector control conspire. The immediate control conspire is more straightforward and can dispose of a portion of the downsides of customary circuitous vector control plot. The proposed control plot is executed in MATLAB/SimPower Systems and the outcomes demonstrate that the controller can work under consistent and shifting breeze speeds. At long last, a sensor less speed estimator is actualized, which empowers the breeze turbine to work without the mechanical speed sensor. The recreation comes about for the sensor less speed estimator are exhibited.


M. Enamul Haque, Senior Member, IEEE, Y. C. Saw, and Mujaddid Morshed Chowdhury, Student Member, IEEE†Advanced Control Scheme for an IPM Synchronous Generator-Based Gearless


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