Analysis And Design Of Flat Slab By Using Etabs Software
“Flat Slab†is better understood as the slab without beams resting directly on supports (like columns & or walls).By virtue of that large Bending Moment & Shear Forces are developed close to the columns. Flat slabs system of construction is one in which the beams used in t he conventional methods of constructions are done away with. The slab directly rests on the column and load from the slab is directly transferred to the columns and then to the foundation. To support heavy loads the thickness of slab near the support with the column is increased and these are called drops, or columns are generally provided with enlarged heads called column heads or capitals.Absence of beam gives a plain ceiling, thus giving better architectural appearance and also less vulnerability in case of fire than in usual cases where beams are used. Plain ceiling diffuses light better, easier to construct and requires cheaper form work.As per local conditions and availability of materials different countries have adopted different me thods for design of flat slabs and given their guidelines in their respective codes.The Finite element analysis & Equivalent frame analysis is carried out by using software ETABS, The analysis & design is performed by Equivalent Frame Method with staggered column & without staggered column as prescribed in the different codes like IS 456-2000, ACI 318-08 are compared. In this process moments are distributed as column strip moments & middle strip moments.For carrying out this project an interior panel of a flat slab with dimensions 6.6 x 5.6 m and super imposed load 7.75 KN /m2 was designed using the codes given above.
Park et al. (2008) found that equivalent frame method is not appropriate in accurately predicting the response of two-way slab systems under lateral loads. Currently design .code, aci 318-05[2.1] permit the efm for the analysis of two-way slab system under gravity loads and lateral loads such as seismic loads.
Subramanian et al (2005) found that to increase the punching shear strength of flat slab, the shear reinforcement is found to provide economical solution. They not only enhance the shear capacity but also result in flexural failure of the slab and thus increasing the ductility of flat slab, which is very important in earthquake prone zone.
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