Ann Based Distribution Static Compensator For Power Quality Improvement With Linear Sinusoidal Tracer Control Algorithm
- In this paper an ANN based DSTATCOM is proposed for reactive power compensation, harmonics elimination, zero voltage regulation, power factor correction, neutral current compensation and unbalance caused by various loads in the distribution system. Various configurations and topologies of DSTATCOM are used for reduction of distortions with acceptable level of performance according to the IEEE-519 standard with an optimal use of dc bus of a voltage source converter (VSC) used as DSTATCOM and in cost-effective manner. This paper presents the effectiveness of adaptive theory based Improved Linear Sinusoidal Tracer control algorithm (ILST). This algorithm is used for extraction of load fundamental active and reactive power components of currents which are used for estimation of reference source currents. The effectiveness of the proposed system designed and simulated under the MATLAB / SIMULINK environment. Simulation results of this system represent the performance of the Improved Linear Sinusoidal Tracer control algorithm (ILST).
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