Attribute Based Secure Military Data Retrieval System for Decentralized Disruption Tolerant Networks
In this section, we provide a multi authority CP-ABE scheme for secure data retrieval in decentralized DTNs. Each local authority issues partial personalized and attribute key components to a user by performing secure 2PC protocol with the central authority. Each attribute key of a user can be updated individually and immediately. Thus, the scalability and security can be enhanced in the proposed scheme. Since the first CP-ABE scheme proposed by Bettencourt et al , dozens of CP-ABE schemes have been proposed. The subsequent CP-ABE schemes are mostly motivated by more rigorous security proof in the standard model. However, most of the schemes failed to achieve the expressiveness of the Bettencourt et al.’s scheme, which described an efficient system that was expressive in that it allowed an encrypt or to express an access predicate in terms of any monotonic formula over attributes. Therefore, in this section, we develop a variation of the CP-ABE algorithm partially based on (but not limited to) Bettencourt et al.’s construction in order to enhance the expressiveness of the access control policy instead of building a new CP-ABE scheme from scratch
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