A New Zcs-Pwm Full-Bridge Dc–Dc Converter With Simple Auxiliary Circuits

Ramalingeswara Rao M


In this paper design & analysis of pv system based full bridge dc-dc converter with auxiliary circuits with soft-switching pulse width modulated (PWM) converter is proposed. The advantage of this converter is that it allows its main power switches to operate with zero current switching (ZCS) and with fewer conduction losses than conventional full-bridge converters. This conventional approach will gathered importance towards solar system. This solar system is also designed by using two simple active auxiliary circuits one is active, and the other is passive. The paper presents the PV based converter system and then discusses its operation, steady-state characteristics. Simulation results will be obtained from MATLAB/SIMULINK software to validate the converter’s performance of the PV system  based full bridge dc-dc converter.


Bidirectional converters, dc–dc converters, zero-current switching (ZCS) converters, PV system


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