Control Of Active And Reactive Power Using Distributed Energy System For Power Generation In Distribution Network

S Swapna Dharma, Shaik Hussain Vali


At present decentralized energy sources are more beneficial than conventional centralized energy sources, distributed energy sources are decentralized energy sources. Decentralized energy sources use renewable energy sources such as small wind power, solar power, biomass, etc. In this work wind energy is used as the distributed energy source in the distribution network. Active power is generated from distributed energy source but it is unregulated as it depends on wind. D-STATCOM inverter regulates both real and reactive power with delta and modulation index controllers respectively. The proposed Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is used in the modulation index and delta controllers to mitigate the transient period by reducing the settling time which is caused due to energy storing elements. Simulation is done using MATLAB and results are compared between without and with FLC.


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