Shared Data Integrity Using Public Auditing Mechanism

Supriya Menon, Sameena Masrath, I.Narsimha Rao


Cloud providers assure a safer and dependable environment to the users, the honesty of data in the cloud may still be cooperation, due to the survival of hardware/software failures and human errors. To make certain shared data honesty can be established publicly, users in the group require calculating signatures on all the blocks in shared data. Dissimilar blocks in shared data are usually signed by different users due to data changes do by different users. For security reasons, once a user is cancelled from the group, the blocks which were beforehand signed by this revoked user must be re-signed by an existing user. The straightforward method which agrees to an existing user to download the parallel part of shared data and re-signs it during user revocation, is inept due to the large size of shared data in the cloud. In this paper, we recommend a new public auditing mechanism for the integrity of shared data with efficient user revocation in mind. By employing the plan of proxy re-signatures, we allow the cloud to re-sign blocks on behalf of existing users in user revocation, so that existing users do not need to download and re-sign blocks by themselves.


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