Condition Examine And Flaw Determination In Induction Motor- An Exploration

Y Chandrasekhar Rao, Ch Sateesh Kumar


Induction motor notably three phase induction motor plays dynamic role in the industry due to their advantages over other electrical motors. Therefore, there is an extreme demand for their intense and secure operation. If any fault and failures occur in the motor it can lead to uncontrolled downtimes and generate prominent losses in terms of revenue and maintenance. Therefore, premature fault detection is needed for the indemnity of the motor. In the current scheme, the condition examine of the induction motor are increasing due to its potential to diminish operating costs, enhance the intense of operation and enhance service to the customers. The condition examine of induction motor is an emerging technology for online determination of incipient flaws. The on-line condition examine involves taking measurements on a machine while it is in operating conditions in order to determination of flaws with the aim of diminishing both unexpected flaws and maintenance costs. In the present paper, a comprehensive contemplate of induction machine flaws, diagnostic mechanism and future aspects in the condition examine of induction motor has been discussed.


Condition Examine, Induction Motor Faults, Motor Current Signature Analysis, Identification and Diagnosing Techniques


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