RSVP- A Fault Tolerant Mechanism in MPLS Networks

Ch Suman Chakravarthy, Y Laxmana Rao, Chokkapu Narayanarao


The data transmission over the Internet (IP) takes an increasingly central role in our communications infrastructure. Here there may be the slow convergence of routing protocols after a network failure becomes a growing problem. To minimize this problem in this paper I am introducing a concept called Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) will reduce the time convergence and network recovery is limited process when compared to IP. In this paper presents a new efficient fault-tolerance approach for MPLS. And we used a protocol in MPLS based networks to evaluate fast reroute maintain which is RSVP (Resource reservation protocol). And it uses RIP (Routing Information Protocol) algorithm based on distance vector routing and is supported on a wide variety of systems to overcome all the defects in IP. In this paper we simulated the scenarios by using GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator 3).


RSVP, RIP, MPLS, LER, LER, LDP, LSP,GNS3 (Graphical Network Simulator 3)


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