A Standard Module Of Dc Dps – Aacc To Enhance The Stability Of Cascaded System

K Sita Rama Rao


In a dc DPS there are a range of ways to attach the subsystems among which a typical connection style is cascaded converters. The cascaded system may have stability problem due to the interaction between the subsystems even while each subsystem is independently well calculated to be stable on its own. Solutions for explaining the instability problem have been proposed and can be broadly classified into two type’s passive and active methods. Passive methods occupy passive components such as resistors, capacitors and inductors to improve system stability. A resistive load was added to amend load dynamic characteristics by this means improving system stability. This paper introduces an adaptive active capacitor converter (AACC) connected in parallel with the intermediate bus of the cascaded system. The AACC is equal to an adaptive bus capacitor varied with the cascaded system’s output power which decreases the output impedance of the source converter to avoid interacting with load converter’s input impedance. As a result the cascaded system becomes stable. The AACC only needs to detect the intermediate bus voltage without changing anything of the existing subsystems. therefore it serves as a standard stabilizer for dc DPS.


Active capacitor converter, adaptive control, cascaded system, modularization, stability


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