Contact Stress Analysis of Helical Gear by Using AGMA and ANSYS

S.Sai Anusha, P.Satish Reddy, P. Bhaskar, M Manoj


Gears are one of the most critical components in mechanical power transmission systems. The gears are generally used to transmit power and torque. The efficiency of power transmission is very high when compared to other kind of transmission. In the gear design the bending stress and surface strength of the gear tooth are considered to be one of the main contributors for failure of the gears in gear set. The analysis of stresses has become popular as an area of research on gears to minimize and reduce the failures. The present investigation is carried out to make use of helical gear, by analyzing the contact stresses  for different   Pressure angles (14.5˚,16˚,18˚,20˚) Helix angles (15˚,20˚,25˚,30˚)and(80mm,90mm,100mm,110mm,120mm) Facewidth. A Three-dimensional solid model is generated by Pro-E that which is powerful and modern solid modeling software .The numerical solution is done by Ansys, which is a finite element analysis package. The analytical approach is based on contact stress equation, to determine the contact stresses between two mating gears. The results obtained from Ansys values are compared with theoretical values are in close agreement. The present analysis is useful in quantifying the above said parameters that help


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