An Efficient Pdp Scheme For Distributed Cloud Storage To Support Dynamic Scalability On Multiple Storage Servers

Ch Rajeshwari, S Suresh


The confirmation examination without downloading makes it particularly important for large-size files and folders typically including many clients’ files to make sure whether these data have been tampered with or deleted without downloading the latest version of data. Provable data possession is such a probabilistic proof technique for a storage provider to establish the integrity and ownership of clients’ data without downloading data. Consequently it is able to put back traditional hash and signature functions in storage outsourcing. Various PDP schemes have been recently proposed such as Scalable PDP and Dynamic PDP. Though these schemes mainly focus on PDP issues at untrusted servers in a single cloud storage provider and are not appropriate for a multi-cloud environment.  Furthermore clients need to know the exact position of each file block in a multi-cloud environment.  The confirmation process in such a case will lead to high communication overheads and calculation costs at client sides as well. Consequently it is of utmost necessary to design a cooperative PDP model to decrease the storage and network overheads and improve the transparency of verification activities in cluster-based cloud storage systems. A cooperative PDP scheme should give features for timely detecting abnormality and renewing multiple copies of data.


Storage Security, Provable Data Possession, Interactive Protocol, Zero-knowledge, Multiple Cloud, Cooperative.


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