To Achieve An Optimal Tradeoff Between P2p Overlay Maintenance And Video Sharing Efficiency In Osn’s

D Bhanuprakash, A Ramamurthy, K.T.V Subbarao


Video sharing has been a gradually more popular application in OSNs facilitating users to share their personal videos or interesting videos they found with their friends. However OSN’s additional progress is strictly caught up by the inherent limits of the conventional client/server architecture of its video sharing system which is not only costly in terms of server storage and bandwidth but also not scalable with the high amount of users and video content in OSNs. The efforts have been dedicated to perk up the client/server architecture for video sharing with the peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture being the most promising. P2P-based video sharing has been used in on demand video streaming.The dimension reveals that mainly of the viewers of a user’s videos are the user’s close friends, most video views are driven by social relationships and the rest are driven by interests and viewers of the same video tend to live in the same location. Based on our observations we propose Social Tube a system that discover the social relationship interest resemblance and location to improve the presentation of video sharing in OSNs. Specifically an OSN has a social network (SN)-based P2P overlay construction algorithm that come together peers based on their social relationships and interests.



Video-on-demand (VoD), On-line social networks, Peer-to-peer networks, Peer-to-peer assisted VoD.


Facebook passes google in time spent on site for first time ever.

Social media, web 2.0 and internet stats.


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