A Routing Algorithm To Reduce The Queueing Complexity In Communication Networks
A new adaptive routing algorithm built ahead the widely studied back-pressure algorithm. We decouple the routing and scheduling components of the algorithm by designing a probabilistic routing table that is used to route packets to per-destination queues. The scheduling decisions in the case of wireless networks are made using counters called shadow queues. The results are also extended to the case of networks that employ simple forms of network coding. The routing algorithm is considered to decrease the average number of hops used by packets in the network. This idea along with the scheduling/routing decoupling leads to setback decrease compared with the traditional back-pressure algorithm. The algorithm can be applied to wire line and wireless networks. Wide simulations show spectacular improvement in delay performance compared to the back-pressure algorithm. When network coding is employed per-previous-hop queues may also be essential but this is a requirement compulsory by network coding not by our algorithm.
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