Study Of Mechanism Used For Automating The Mechanical System

Rahul R Gurpude


Automation will no longer be seen only as automatic
production, but as a complex of technologies that
guarantee reliability, flexibility, safety, for humans as
well as for the environment. In a world of limited
resources, automation can provide the answer to the
challenges of a sustainable development. The
automation has the opportunity of making a greater
and even more significant impact on society.In the
study of project we have discussed about the various
mechanisms used for automating the mechanical
system. In today’s competitive world improvement in
productivity has become the need of an hour.
Automation is one of the basic tool for improving the
productivity. The same that is the necessity of
automation and the various mechanisms used for
automating the mechanical systems have been
discussed. In all 60 mechanisms were studied which
can be used for automating the mechanical system.
These mechanisms categorized as per the conversion
of type of motion into another. This categorization of
all above mechanism has been compiled in the form
of data base which will help the user for easy access
of mechanisms according to their requirements. For
this purpose, we make the arrangement by using
software in which the users have to put his
requirement. These requirements must be in the form
of conversion of motion from one form to another; so
that the user will get the output in less time and
without much effort. Software has been developed in
which the user can retrieve the mechanism as per the
requirement and the conversion of motion from one
form to another.


automation, mechanization,productivity.


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