A Novel Three-Port Converters For Solar Power System

B Surendra, B Srinivasulu, SK Meera shareef


A Three Port Converter (TPC) can interface with storage elements,renwable energy sources and loads simultaneously, is a good candidate for the solar power systems. To produce constant output power is the main goal (day & night). So I used three port full bridgesConverters in solar electrical energy. A systematic method for generating Three Port Converter topologies from Full Bridge Converters are described here. By using this systematic method,we can devolaped a novel full-bridge TPC (FB-TPC)  for renewable power system applications which has simple topologies and control, a reduced number of devices and single-stage power conversion between any two of the three ports. This method splits the two switching legs of the FBC into two switching cells with different sources and allows a dc bias current in the transformer. The FB-TPC consists of two bidirectional ports and an isolated output port. The primary circuit of the converter functions as a buck-boost converter and provides a power flow path between the ports on the primary side, the power balance in the system ports will be provided by the third port. The full bridge three port converter is full bridge three port converter is designed and using simulated MATLAB/SIMULINK. The output parameters such as  output voltage, current and power were obtained.



Boost-buck, dc-dc converter, full-bridge converter (FBC), renewable power system, three-port converter (TPC)


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