Power Quality Enhancement of Grid interconnected wind energy system with 4-Leg Inverter
A Power quality problem is an occurrence of nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a misoperation of end user equipments. Utility distribution networks, sensitive industrial loads and critical commercial operations suffer from various types of outages and service interruptions which can cost significant financial losses.With the increase in load demand, the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are increasingly connected in the distribution systems which utilizes power electronic Converters/Inverters. This paper presents a novel control strategy for achieving maximum benefits from these grid-interfacing inverters using the closed loop fuzzy logic control, when installed in 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems. The inverter is controlled to perform as a multi-function device by incorporating active power filter functionality. The inverter can thus be utilized as: 1) power converter to inject power generated from RES to the grid, and 2) shunt APF to compensate current unbalance, load current harmonics, load reactive power demand and load neutral current. All of these functions may be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. This new control concept is demonstrated with extensive MATLAB/Simulink. Index Terms—Active power filter (APF), distributed generation (DG), distribution system, grid interconnection, power quality (PQ), renewable energy, Photo Voltaic (PV) System.
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