Tweet Scrutiny For Fast Communication Reporting

K V Subbaiah, K BalaManikanta


The major target of the system is develop a new earthquake detection algorithm it is used for To speed-up the detection process and  reduce false detections.But here having one problem is Absence of evidence is not evidence of absenceâ€Why? Because traditional phase associators do not know If the missing station is broken.  If not, when the pick for that station will be made available. That is used for Detection bases ONLY on the presence of picks in a certain time-window. Assumption: If the network is reliable, all the operating stations in the surrounding of the epicenter will detect ground motion change and the picker will produce a P-wave detections with a a priori known delay. If the network is reliable, we can look only at close stations.   The number of words in a tweet message and the position of the query within a tweet. We can apply methods for sensory data detection to tweets processing .


Tweets, social sensors, earthquake, confirmed.


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