Judging Analogous Data Search In Resultant Web Databases

Govinda Raju Kanna, Amanulla Md, Sayeed Yaseen


The present scenario is based on internet technologies we are having a huge amount of useful Information which is usually having on the web databases but in not retaive effectively at the time of users needed. Information retrieval is major criteria for the people However it is indeed on WDBs. So. The Web has become the accessible media for many database applications, such as e-commerce and search medias. These applications store information in huge databases that user’s access, query, and update through the Web.  Web sites have their own interfaces and access forms for creating HTML pages on the fly. Web database technologies define the way that these forms can connect to and retrieve data from database servers.



In this paper we present a novel approach for annotating web search on the search engines like MSN. It automatically searches data using cluster techniques and present classify the retrieved data.


Data alignment, data annotation, web database, wrapper generation.


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