Steady State Analysis of Quadratic Boost and Interleaved Boost Converters for Renewable Energy Applications- A Comparative Study

Naga Kota Reddy Chegireddy, Sai Babu Ch


Recently, renewable energy sources have acquired more attention as compared with conventional energy sources due of their renewable and eco-friendly nature. DC-DC converters are crucial in their applications. Two different configurations based on the conventional boost converter are compared for renewable energy source applications in this paper. In one configuration, two boost converters are connected in series with a single switch (Quadratic Boost Converter), and in another, they are connected in parallel with two switches (Interleaved Boost Converter). The first configuration has a high voltage gain with a low duty cycle, while the second has a low input current ripple. The two configurations are compared in various aspects, like output voltage, voltage gain, inductor current, inductor current ripple and component counts. The configurations are designed in the MATLAB simulation environment by using the PLECS block set to validate the theoretical studies with ideal values. With a duty cycle value of 0.6 and a 12 V input voltage, the output voltage of the quadratic boost converter is 75 V and that of the interleaved boost converter is 30 V.


Boost Converter, Quadratic Boost Converter, Interleaved Boost Converter, Output voltage, voltage gain, inductor current ripples.


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