Design and Implementation of IoT Based Vehicle Monitoring and Tracking System

Prattipati Nagalakshmi, SK. Shahir


Recently, the significance of vehicle checking and global positioning framework has been expanded quickly. The significant worry of the proposed framework is distinguishing the vehicle robbery by carrying out enemy of framework. Vehicle global positioning framework is gainful from numerous points of view, for example, giving security to the cabs, taxis, school transportation, individual vehicles, taxis, taxis, school transports/vehicles and others. Global positioning framework is created by utilizing GPS and Raspberry pi to find the client's vehicle area. GPS module is utilized to follow the area of the vehicle as qualities like scope and longitude. These qualities are communicated to the client utilizing Wi-Fi modem through web. Results shows that we can screen client's vehicle area by means of their PDA utilizing web Blynk versatile application is utilized to screen the client vehicle area at whenever and anyplace on the planet. This is open-source android application to give UI to screen or control different IoT gadgets, this application works dependent on MQTT convention. This framework effectively tried to demonstrate assisting clients with finding their vehicles in case of a burglary


Prof. Baburaokodavati (Asst. Prof In Ece Dept); ‘Gsm And Gps Based Vehicle Location And Tracking System’.

Mr. Nileshmanganakar (Be-It); ‘Real Time Tracking Of Complete Transport System Using Gps’.

Mr. Pankajverma;‘Design And Development Of Gps-Gsm Based Tracking System With Google Map Based Monitoring’.

Mr. Kunalmaurya; ‘Real Time Vehicle Tracking System Using Gsm And Gps Technology- An Anti-Theft Tracking System’.

The forum of the esp 8266module http://www. esp topic? F= 5&t=4326

“Live GPS Vehicle Tracking System,†YouTube, November 2007

I. Jaguar, “Car Navigation System Wiki†December 2002 http://car-navigation-

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