Design and Analysis of IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System
In the current circumstance the air contamination has expanded with time by part of components like the increment in populace, vehicle use, urbanization and industrialization which brings about hurtful consequences for human prosperity by straightforwardly influencing soundness of populace presented to it. To screen In this venture we will make an IOT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System in which we will screen the Air Quality over a web worker (Thing Speak) utilizing ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module we will ceaselessly screen destructive gases are available the air like CO, dampness and temperature. It will show the air contamination in PPM on the LCD and just as on thing speak IoT stage with the goal that we can screen it without any problem. In this IoT project, we can screen the air contamination level from anyplace utilizing your PC or versatile structure anyplace on the planet.
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