Energy Management System for Hybrid Electrical Vehicle Using Fuzzy Logic Control Based Bidirectional DC/DC Converter

Gattem Naga Lakshmi, D Prakasarao


This work discuss an application of hybrid electric vehicle frameworks worked with novel planned bidirectional dc-dc converter which interfaces a fundamental energy stockpiling (ES1),an helper energy stockpiling (ES2) and dc transport of various voltage levels. Proposed BDC converter can work both advance up and venture down mode. In which venture up mode addresses low voltage double source - controlling mode and step down mode addresses high voltage dc interface energy – recovering mode, both the modes are worked heavily influenced by bidirectional force stream. This model can autonomously control power stream between low voltage double source buck/support modes. Here in, the circuit arrangement, activity, consistent state examination, and shut circle control of the proposed BDC are talked about as per its three methods of force move. In this task fluffy rationale regulator is utilized and furthermore framework results are approves through MATLAB/SIMULINK programming.


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