Face Recognition Attendance System Using LBPH Algorithm

D Sinivasa Rao


The world is getting refreshed quicker and quicker however a few things are not being refreshed; one of them is the Attendance framework. In ancient days the attendance is taken by signature on the paper. This process is a time consuming and burdensome process. Now some techniques came like RFID based attendance system but there is a chance to cope with the occurrence of malpractice. In this project, new technology is proposed namely Face recognition attendance system. In this system, a camera is placed, that camera will take a picture of the person and compares it with the database. If the image matches the database then attendance is given to that person. In this, the comparison is done by using the Local Binary Pattern Histogram(LBPH) Algorithm. Previously Principal Component Analysis(PCA) is used, compared to PCA, LBPH is the most efficiently working algorithm. By using the LBPH algorithm this system gives the best results.


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