Design and Simulation of Typical Island Systems Linked With Voltage Source Converter - HVDC Links
This paper proposes modeling and control of VSC-HVDC links connected to island systems. The recently proposed power-synchronization control for grid-connected voltage-source converters (VSCs) has been shown to be a feasible solution for high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) transmission connected to high-impedance weak ac systems. In this paper, power-synchronization control is investigated for VSC-HVDC links connected to another type of weak ac system, i.e., low-inertia or island systems. As an example, a linear model of a typical island system feeding by a VSC-HVDC link, including a synchronous generator, an induction motor, and some passive loads, is developed for tuning the control parameters of the VSC-HVDC link. Time simulations in MATLAB demonstrate that VSC-HVDC systems using power-synchronization control are flexible for various network conditions, such as large-ac-system connection, island systems, or passive networks.
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