A Novel Control Strategy of PV Generation System with LPC for Loading Balance of Distribution Feeders

Bhatraj Anudeep, T Bhargav Ram


To reduce the power loss and power flow over loading in a distribution system. Proper loading balance of distribution feeders is important. In this paper, a loop power controller (LPC) is applied for the control of real power and reactive power flows by adjusting voltage ratio and phase shift so that the loading balance of distribution feeders can be obtained. And also photovoltaic (PV) power generation is incorporated in balancing the feeder loading. For achieving the proper loading balance and load transfer line impedance of distribution feeders are used to derive the voltage ratio and phase shift of the LPC. Matlab simulations indicated that loading balance can be achieved in distribution feeders with large PV system installation by using loop power controllers according to the variation of solar energy and power loading of study feeders. By using LPC proper loading of feeders is being achieved and the power loss is being reduced as simulated in this paper.


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