An Effective Utilization of Passive and Motor Loads By Using Three Level Inverter with Simplified Space Vector Modulation Technique
Increase in renewable energy resources like solar , fuel cells had created a need for  inverters which can work on higher operating voltages efficiently  Advances in power electronics technology allowed the vide investigation of multilevel converters that provide high safety voltages ,less harmonic components ,utilization of more input voltage and flexibility in switching the legs compared to the two-level structures .and digital implementation is also very easy .In multilevel inverters space vector modulation (SVPWM) has become the most popular technique for three phase voltage source converters for the control of ac/dc drives and Flexible ac transmission application(FACT) controllers. In this paper a simplified SVPWM is being implemented. SVPWM for more than two levels is difficult because for them no. of switching states is very high. In simplified SVPWM timing calculation is required for only one sector and therefore calculations are tremendously reduced and the same could be applied to different types of multilevel inverters like flying capacitor and cascaded h bridge. By using simplified SVPWM a passive RL load and motor load are being simulated in the MATLAB/SIMULINK.
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