Scrounger Outbreaks Strenuous Life From Wireless Adhoc Sensor Networks

Teki Rakesh, Potti Kusuma Tejaswini


Network survivability is the ability of a network keeping connected under failures and attacks, which is a fundamental issue to the design and performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc networks. Ad-hoc low power wireless networks are in research in both sensing and pervasive computing. The proposed method discusses about resource depletion attacks at the routing protocol layer, which drains battery power. The motivation of a large portion of research efforts has been to maximize the lifetime of the network, where network lifetime is typically measured from the instant of deployment to the point when one of the nodes has exp¬¬¬anded its limited power source and becomes in-operational – commonly referred as first node failure. A novel approach for routing protocols, affect from attack even those designed to be protected, be short of protection from these attacks, which call Vampire attacks, which permanently disable networks by quickly draining nodes battery power. These energy draining attacks are not specific to any specific protocol which are disturbing, difficult to detect, and are easy to carry out using as few as one malicious insider sending only protocol compliant messages. There are a lot of protocols developed to protect from Denial of Service attack, but it is not completely possible. One such Denial of Service attack is Vampire attack-Draining of node life from wireless ad-hoc sensor networks. This paper presents a method to tolerate the attack by using the Cluster Head. In case of any energy draining attack, the Cluster Head engages in the situation and delivers the packet to destination without dropping the packet. Thus providing a victorious and reliable message delivery even in case of Vampire attack. A novel PLGP method is proposed to mitigate the battery power draining attacks by improving the existing routing protocol


Ad-hoc sensor network, carousal attack, denial of service, stretch attack, routing, vampire attack, PLGP, Security


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