Efficient cloud storage security scheme and data sharing in cloud

Veera Veni Chinta, K.V.V.L Madhuri


We propose the Secure Data Sharing in Clouds (SeDaSC) approach that gives: 1) information privacy and integrity; 2) get to control; 3) information sharing (sending) without utilizing register concentrated reencryption; 4) insider threat security; and 5) forward and in reverse access control. The SeDaSC strategy encodes a file with a solitary encryption key. Two distinctive key offers for every one of the clients are created, with the client just getting one offer. The ownership of a solitary offer of a key enables the SeDaSC system to counter the insider dangers. The other key offer is put away by a confided in outsider, which is known as the cryptographic server. The SeDaSC strategy is appropriate to traditional and portable cloud computing situations.


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