A new mechanism to search ciphertext data in cloud in fog computing

Ramyasri Guntu, Radhika Krupalani


We first present a Lightweight Fine-Grained Ciphertext Search (LFGS) system in mist processing by expanding Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Searchable Encryption (SE) innovations, which can accomplish fine-grained access  control and keyword search all the while. The LFGS can move fractional computational and capacity overhead from end clients to picked mist nodes. Besides, the fundamental LFGS system is improved to help conjunctive keyword search and attribute update to abstain from returning immaterial query items and illicit gets. The formal security examination demonstrates that the LFGS system can oppose Chosen-Keyword Attack (CKA) and Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA), and the recreation. Utilizing a genuine world dataset shows that the LFGS system is effective and possible, practically speaking.


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