Contribution Of Information Sharing In Wireless Sensor Network With Prune Delay

Jacob Sastry N, Anantha Rao .G


: The increase in the number of smart phone users has lead to the increase in the peer-to-peer adhoc content sharing. Traditional data delivery schemes are not suitable for such networks due to intermittent connectivity between smart phones. Thus new content sharing mechanisms should be proposed. To share the contents in such a scenario, researchers have proposed store-carry-forward as an efficient content sharing scheme where a node stores a message and carries it for certain duration until a communication opportunity arises and then delivers it to the destination. Previous works in this field focused on whether two nodes would encounter each other and the place and time of encounter and did not consider the activities of malicious peers. This paper proposes discover-predict-deliver as efficient content sharing scheme that enable peers to share contents and also presents distributed algorithms that enable a peer to reason about trustworthiness of other peers based on past interactions and recommendations. Interactions and recommendations among peers are evaluated based on importance, recentness and peer satisfaction parameters.


peer-to-peer, store-carry-forward, discover predict-deliver, interaction, recommendation.


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