Wireless sensor networks for civil structure health monitoring using GPS and GSM module

B.S Sai Sridhar, Md. Javeed Mehdi


A structural health monitoring system has become an important research problem which has the potential to monitor and ensure the performance and safety of civil structures. The SHM system is designed, implemented, and tested using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Structural Health monitoring system is the implementation of improving the maintenance of any structures like buildings and bridges. It encompasses damage detection and identification of structures from natural disasters like earth quake, fire breakouts and gas leakage threats etc . This project  mainly consists of four sensors, depending on the type of damage the input from the corresponding sensor is transmitted to the ARM-7 microcontroller the GPS module receives the sensor input value and transmits it through GSM module in the form of an message to the user’s mobile phone to alert the user.


Structure monitoring, wireless sensor networks, damage detection, GPS, GSM.


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