Multilevel Components to Improve Factor Revocability And Data Security Protection In Cloud
The data stored in cloud environment can be accessed from anywhere and at anytime and by anyone. Many techniques effectively provide the security for cloud storage data. During transmission of data in cloud environment, encryption is an efficient and widely used technique for data security. Thought cloud service provides such services but security and privacy of owner’s data is major concern in cloud storage. Therefore secure data access is critical issue in cloud storage. In this paper Proposed system an improve data security protection mechanism for cloud using two components. In this system sender sends an encrypted message to a receiver with the help of cloud system. The sender requires to know identity of receiver but no need of other information such as certificate or public key. To decrypt the cipher text, receiver needs two parts. The first thing is a unique personal security device or some hardware device connected to the computer system. Second one is private key or secrete key stored in the computer.
Without having these two things cipher text never decrypted. The important thing is the security device lost or stolen, then cipher text cannot be decrypted and hardware device is revoked or cancelled to decrypt cipher text. The efficiency and security analysis show that the system is secure as well as practically implemented. The system uses a new hardware device like pen drive etc. to decrypt the cipher text together with the private key.
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