Haze-Assisted Confidentiality Conserving Mobile Health Monitoring

R Konda Reddy, Aluru Subramanyam


Haze-assisted mobile health (mHealth) monitoring, which applies the prevailing mobile communications and Haze computing technologies to provide feedback decision support, has been considered as a revolutionary approach to improving the quality of healthcare service while lowering the healthcare cost. Unfortunately, it  also  poses  a  serious  risk  on  both  clients Confidentiality and intellectual property of monitoring service providers, which could deter the wide adoption of mHealth technology. This paper is to address this important problem and design a Hazeassisted Confidentiality Conserving mobile health monitoring system to protect the Confidentiality of the involved parties and their data. Moreover, the outsourcing decryption technique and a newly proposed key private proxy re-encryption are adapted to shift the computational complexity of the involved parties to the Haze without compromising clients’ Confidentiality and service providers’ intellectual property. Finally, our security and performance analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed design.


Mobile health (mHealth), Healthcare,Confidentiality, Outsourcing decryption, Key private Proxy re encryption.


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