Balancing the Computation-Intensive Function and User Privacy Disclosure at Different Security Levels

Varrey Dedipya, Mounica Bandaru


We propose a structure for protection safeguarding outsourced utilitarian calculation crosswise over substantial scale numerous encoded areas, which we allude to as POFD. With POFD, a client can get the yield of a capacity processed over encoded information from different spaces while ensuring the security of the capacity itself, its info and its yield. In particular, we present two thoughts of POFD, the essential POFD and its improved rendition, keeping in mind the end goal to tradeoff the levels of security insurance and execution. We display three conventions, named Multi-space Secure Multiplication protocol (MSM), Secure Exponent Calculation protocol with private Base (SECB), and Secure Exponent Calculation protocol (SEC), as the core sub-protocol for POFD to safely process the outsourced work. Point by point security examination demonstrates that the proposed POFD accomplishes the objective of ascertaining a client characterized work crosswise over various scrambled spaces without protection spillage to unapproved parties. Our execution assessments utilizing reenactments exhibit the utility and the productivity of POFD.


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