Predictive Torque Control Scheme for Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverter -Fed Induction Motor Drive
The four-switch three-stage (B4) inverter, having a lower number of switches, was first introduced for the likelihood of decreasing the inverter cost, and it turned out to be exceptionally appealing as it can be used in blame tolerant control to illuminate the open/cut off of the six-switch three-stage (B6) inverter. Be that as it may, the adjust among the stage streams falls because of the change of the two dc-connect capacitor voltages; along these lines, its application is constrained.
This venture proposes a prescient torque control (PTC) plot for the B4 inverter-sustained enlistment engine (IM) with the dc-connect voltage balance concealment. The voltage vectors of the B4 inverter under the change of the two dc-connect capacitor voltages are determined for exact expectation and control of the torque and stator flux. The three-stage streams are compelled to stay adjust by straightforwardly controlling the stator flux. The voltage counterbalanced of the two dc-interface capacitors is displayed and controlled in the prescient perspective. In this venture fuzzy controller is actualized to decrease the swell substance and contortion in the yield wave shapes. The outcomes checked through MATLAB/SIMULINK condition.
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