Bilinear Pairings Technique on Concrete ID-PUIC Protocol

Mandala Prem Srujan, P. Bala Krishna Prasad


We propose a novel intermediary arranged information transferring and remote information uprightness checking model in identity-based public key cryptography: IDPUIC (identity-based proxy-oriented data uploading and remote data integrity checking in public cloud). We give the formal definition, framework model and security display. At that point, a solid ID-PUIC protocol is planned by utilizing the bilinear pairings. The proposed ID-PUIC protocol is provably secure in view of the hardness of CDH (computational Diffie-Hellman) issue. Our ID-PUIC protocol is additionally productive and adaptable. In view of the first customer's approval, the proposed ID-PUIC protocol can understand private remote information uprightness checking, appointed remote information integrity checking and open remote information integrity checking


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