Mitigation of Non Linear Induced Harmonics In Grid Using Droop Controlled PV Based DG Shunt APF

U V S R Harisha, G.V Ram Mohan


This paper exhibitions the network tied Solar Photovoltaic generator system providing to nonlinear loads based Shunt Active Power Filter for reactive power remuneration and symphonious moderation by hang control technique. Solar PV system is a promising wellspring of vitality with incredible enthusiasm for spotless and sustainable power sources. The rising number of power hardware based gear is bringing about quality issues of electric power supply. Both high power mechanical loads and residential loads cause numerous unsettling influences in the utility side, for example, music, awkwardness, lists, swells, glimmers and recurrence variety. Power quality issues may emerge in the system or might be made by the buyer itself. In this paper, the proposed controller using power references demonstrates some huge changes in principle and a basic control topology. The PV module is associated with the DC side of Shunt Active Filter through the DC-DC converter. Converter switch is controlled by Perturb and Observe (P&O) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) calculation and it dispenses with the disadvantage in the regular PV system. A copying utilizing MATLAB Simulink is displayed to approve the benefit of the proposed system.


Photovoltaic, nonlinear loads, Shunt Active Power Filter, reactive power remuneration


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