Investment Casting Of Torpedo Nozzle
Investment Casting is also known as Lost Wax process. Investment casting process is generally used to produce intricate and complex shaped products. The primary objective of the project work is to produce Torpedo Nozzle by investment casting. Nozzles are manufactured by investment casting process consisting of wax injection, ceramic coating, wax removal, metal casting, and finishing. The creep strength of the product should be enhanced as we go to higher temperature application. Super Alloys (Ni-based) satisfy the above condition and are hence used for the production of components used at elevated temperatures. Earlier IN 718 was used in the manufacture of Torpedo nozzles by mechanical working and machining the alloy to obtain the final product. Machining of the nozzle was difficult as it involved intricate shape internally and also as found to be eroding during its service. This alloy also can not be used above 700°C because the strengthening precipitates will coarsen. Hence, we produced the nozzles by Investment Casting process, using CM 247 to overcome the limitations of IN 718. CM 247 can withstand higher temperatures (1000°C - 1100°C) and has better mechanical properties over IN 718. The focus of this experimental work was on the several stages of investment casting process and the microstructures were also studied.
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