Design Analysis of Low Speed Flywheels For Automobiles

Sangeetham Sivakumar, M. Manoj, P.Satish Reddy, N.Guru Murthy


This paper concentrates on investigating the impacts of flywheel geometry on its vitality stockpiling or convey capacity per unit mass, additionally characterized as most extreme particular vitality. In this paper we have investigated different profiles of flywheel and the put away active vitality per unit mass is ascertained for the separate flywheel. Different profiles are outlined and examination in CAE instrument (CATIAV5). investigation is done for various states of the flywheels and von mises stresses and aggregate misshapening are resolved. It demonstrates that shrewd plan of flywheel geometry significantly affect the Specific Energy stockpiling and decrease the operational burdens applied on the pole because of lessened mass at high rotational rates. Proficient flywheel configuration used to boost the latency of minute for least material utilized and assurance high unwavering quality and long life.


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