Performance Comparison Analysis of Piecewise Linear companding for OFDM And WHT Precoded OFDM

L.V.Ramana Talabhaktula, Aravinda Swamy Lakamana


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is amalgamation of modulation and multiplexing, it helps to allow huge data rates for wireless applications with great spectrum efficiency. Besides of advantages, the uncomfortable issue for OFDM is peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Number of methods was proposed to minimize PAPR, but those are minimizing PAPR at the cost of either increasing the BER, or performance degradation of PSD. In this paper “a composite companding transform by using WHT precoding with piecewise linear companding†is proposed to minimize the PAPR without sacrificing the BER and PSD performances. Simulation results display that this proposed method gives the better trade off between the PAPR minimization and BER performance without sacrificing the PSD.


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