A New Multilevel Inverter Topology Based on Switched Capacitor for Power Quality Improvement

G Bhaskar Rao, G V Ram Mohan, D B Chowdary


The expansion of transmission frequency uncovers a larger number of benefits than low-or medium-frequency dissemination among various types of power applications. High-frequency inverter fills in as source side in high-frequency air conditioning (HFAC) power distribution system (PDS). Be that as it may, it is confused to get a high-frequency inverter with both basic circuit topology and clear modulation strategy. A novel switched capacitor-based fell multilevel inverter is proposed in this venture, which is developed by an exchanged capacitor frontend and H-Bridge backend. Through the change of series and parallel associations, the switched capacitor  builds the quantity of voltage levels. The yield harmonic and the component counter can be fundamentally decreased by the expanding number of voltage levels. what's more, aggregate consonant mutilation is decreased in 17 and 13-level inverter when contrasted with 9-level inverter A symmetrical triangular waveform modulation is proposed with a basic simple usage and low regulation frequency contrasting and customary multicarrier tweak. Simulation results are introduced to check the attainability of the proposed approach in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment.


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