A Novel DiDrip Protocol with Dissemination-Privilege Pair Authentication

P.Lakshmi Durga, Y.Yesu Jyothi


It is an attempt to enhance the DiDrip protocol. There are some efficiency problems caused by the generation, transmission, and verification of certificates. First, it is not efficient in communication, as the certificate has to be transmitted along with the advertisement packet across every hop as the message propagates in the WSN. A large per-message overhead will result in more energy consumption on each sensor node. Second, to authenticate each advertisement packet, it always takes two expensive signature verification operations because the certificate should always be authenticated first. Once a new user joins the network after the network deployment, the network owner can notify the sensor nodes of the user’s public key/dissemination privilege through using the private key of itself. To enhance secure and distributed data discovery and dissemination protocol (DiDrip), we have planned to use Hop by Hop Message authentication scheme for ensuring data confidentiality.


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