Protection of “Fault Tolerant Parallel Filters†by Hamming code with Reversible logic

Sabbi Suryakala, M Nagendra Kumar


Digital filters are widely used in signal processing and communication systems. In some cases, the reliability of those systems is critical, and fault tolerant filter implementations are needed. Over the years, many techniques that exploit the filters’ structure and properties to achieve fault tolerance have been proposed. As technology scales, it enables more complex systems that incorporate many filters. In those complex systems, it is common that some of the filters operate in parallel, for example, by applying the same filter to different input signals. . The complexity occurs while decoding the received encoded data. More often the transmitted data is subjected to the channel noise which influences the original signal. To overcome this problem many error correction codes (ECC’s) are introduced.Recently, a simple technique that exploits the presence of parallel filters to achieve fault tolerance has been presented In this paper we proposed an error detection and correction code called hamming code. The hamming code not only detects the errors as conventional codes but also it is able to correct the data. In addition the process is supported with  reversible gate logic. This is the updated design methodology to reduce the power consumption and complexity. Reversible computing will also lead to improvement in energy efficiency. Energy efficiency will fundamentally affect the speed of circuits such as nano-circuits and therefore the speed of most computing applications. To increase the portability of devices again reversible computing is required. This idea is generalized to show that parallel filters can be protected using error correction codes (ECCs) in which each filter is the equivalent of a bit in a traditional ECC. This new scheme allows more efficient protection when the number of parallel filters is large. The technique is evaluated using a case study of parallel finite impulse response filters showing the effectiveness in terms of protection and implementation cost.


Parallel filters, Error correction codes (ECCs) , Reversible logic gates.


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