Data Recovery and Integrity Checking By Proxy In Cloud

S.Sowmya Sirisha, R.S rinivas


Cloud is a collection of data centres which provides effective services to cloud clients. Now a day’s users and organizations are forwarding the data to cloud. But problem is repairing cloud data along with integrity checking is challenging issue. Provable information ownership (PDP) and confirmation of retrievability (POR) to discharge the data owner from online weight for check, considered general society auditability in the PDP model interestingly. In any case, their variation convention uncovered the straight blend of tests and in this way gives no information protection ensure.Existing methods only support private auditing means data owner only audit the cloud data and always to stay online for repairing cloud data. In order to overcome this problem introducing public auditing instead of data owner a proxy can repair the corrupted data by using public verifiable authenticator. For cloud data auditing TPA can use the enhanced privacy auditing protocol. This new protocol is introduced to audit the cloud data by TPA. But he can’t know the original data. For security and Integrity checking AES-256 bit as well as SHA-1 Algorithm is used Finally proposed technique is efficient in terms of communication and computation as well as privacy.


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